Trustees' Week 2023 - there's so much going on!
Trustees’ Week is all about highlighting the great work of trustees across Scotland and the UK, and the role they play in governing our charities and voluntary organisations.
This year, we’ll be celebrating Trustees’ Week at the Gathering, the largest free voluntary sector event in the UK. On 7 and 8 November thousands of amazing people from the voluntary sector will join SCVO at Edinburgh’s EICC to connect, learn and be inspired. Many will be trustees looking to network and learn from another, and we have a packed programme of workshops, seminars and activities that they can sign up for. Here’s just some of the highlights:
- OSCR will be there on the first day to give their top tips on what makes a good well-managed charity and then will follow that with an outline on what OSCR does when it receives concerns about a charity
- SCVO’s free legal advice services partners Brodies will be looking at Navigating risk and safeguarding charities and Turcan Connell will cover Practical governance problems and how to solve them
- For any trustees that run village and community halls, you won’t want to miss the launch of a great new practical resource from the Development Trusts Association Scotland and SCVO that will take you through setting up and meeting legal requirements, to digital skills and environmental impact.
- Don’t miss the opportunity to feed in your thoughts and views at the Scottish government’s Third Sector Unit’s session on their plans to review charity regulation
- And for anyone who is frustrated at the red tape trustees face, or the lack of diversity on boards, join a panel of traditionalists and disruptors to thrash out the challenges of being too maverick, and the risks of doing nothing. Come along and help us debate how we should fix governance.
For the past few years SCVO has focussed on board recruitment and the importance of board diversity during Trustees’ Week. This year is no different as charity boards are still not as diverse as they should be. Tap into our webinar recordings for some hints and tips on Diversity and recruiting new trustees and the Trustee Recruitment Cycle. Boards are more effective if they have trustees with a wide mix of skills, experience, and backgrounds, and if they reflect the communities they serve.
That’s why SCVO is offering free trustee advertising on Goodmoves, Scotland’s number one recruitment site. By advertising, and not relying on word of mouth or personal recommendations to fill your board, you will attract a wider range of talent. Contact our Goodmoves team during November to place your ad that month for free. We only have 50 slots available, so don't delay!
So, there’s lots going on for Trustees Week 2023, and as well as the Gathering, there’s also a packed programme of online and in-person events taking place between 6-10 November across Scotland and the UK. Find out more here and also check out if your local Third Sector Interface has anything planned!
And finally, looking towards 2024 we’ve got a great new series of good governance online training starting in January. With three sessions, covering Effective Board Meetings, Defining Strategy, Culture and Values, and Board and Staff Relationships, you can pick just one, or sign up for all three to gain the confidence and skills to address any governance challenges you may face.
Happy Trustees' Week!