Trustees' Week and the Governance Forum
Scotland’s Third Sector Governance Forum was set up in 2009 after a roundtable meeting to discuss findings from study into leadership and governance that showed that boards consistently rated their organisational effectiveness higher that the CEO and staff of the organisation. At the discussion we looked at what development opportunities were available to trustees and found that although there was a plethora of training courses and consultancy support, there was no platform for boards and chairs to come together for peer support and good practice sharing, and also no overarching space for discussion on the governance issues in Scotland (a trustee network and association of chairs as well as a governance magazine were all in operation south of the border). So a few of us working in this area decided to keep working together and the forum was born. The remit for the Forum is to:
- Advance thinking on governance and issues of governance support and development through a “think tank” approach
- Share and discuss emerging issues and examples of good practice
- Act as a conduit of information and intelligence on governance across the wider sector
- Highlight examples of collaborative practice and joined up working
- Promote active leadership on governance issues
- Develop a shared bank of governance related information and links to wider resources
- Influence and help shape policy on governance issues